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About Us

Our Timeless Dedication: A Legacy of Precision and Idealism

Welcome to BharatGanitam – Your Premier Source for Celestial Insights! Whether you seek a precise Panchang in print or digital format, or wish to avail expert astrology and tarot consultations, we offer seamless services tailored to your needs

77-Year Of Experiences

Legacy of Bharat Ganita Panchang

How it all started: The History and the Legacy

Founded by Ganita Bhaskaraha Sri LVS Mani in 1946, Bharat Ganita Panchang stands as a testament to his dedication, brilliance, and unwavering commitment to the traditional art of Panchang creation.

Sri LVS Mani poured his heart and soul into this endeavor, and every page of the Panchang reflects his unwavering dedication. It’s not merely a calendar; it’s a living testament to the dreams, aspirations, and the undying love for precision, idealism and perfection that Sri LVS Mani held in his heart.

Born in 1915, Sri LVS Mani was a distinguished scholar, holding a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) degree. His journey into the world of Panchang was nothing short of remarkable. His profound understanding of astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and tradition led him to create a Panchang that would revolutionize astronomical calculations in India.

Bharat Ganita Panchang quickly gained recognition for its unparalleled uniqueness, precision, and accuracy. It wasn’t long before it caught the discerning eye of the Kanchi Mutt, one of India’s most revered religious institutions. The Mutt’s endorsement of the Panchang as their official Panchang was a testament to the exceptional quality of Sri LVS Mani’s work.

Today, this legacy of excellence lives on through the capable hands of Sri LS Ravi, Sri LVS Mani’s son and a former bank employee. The torch has been passed, but the commitment to precision and accuracy remains unwavering. The Bharat Ganita Panchang is not just a family-owned venture; it’s a labor of cultural and nationalistic love that spans generations.

One distinctive feature of this venture is the active involvement of the women in the family. They play an integral role in ensuring the Panchang’s continued accuracy and success. Their dedication to preserving and advancing this tradition adds a unique dimension to Sri LVS Mani’s legacy.

We take immense pride in carrying forward Sri LVS Mani’s legacy. We remain committed to the principles of precision, accuracy, and tradition that have defined us for decades. Our Panchang isn’t just a calendar; it’s a living testament to the enduring legacy of a remarkable man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of excellence.

As we continue to evolve and grow, we invite you to be a part of our journey.  Join us in celebrating the soul of time, where each calculation is a reflection of passion, and each moment is a tribute to the emotional connection that binds us to our heritage. Sri LVS Mani’s legacy lives on, and it beckons you to be a part of this timeless embrace. If you are interested in the art of Panchang creation, please click here for more details. 

Sri LVS Mani -- The Visionary -- Karmayogi -- The Idealist

Sri LVS Mani was born in 1915 immediately after which he lost his mom. He grew up with many people and garnered experiences that were too harsh to take as a youngster. He taught tuition to not just make ends meet but he was truly ambitious. Right from a young age, he knew he had something special about him he couldnt point out. And never once did he give up on his dreams, no matter how dire the circumstances were. His brother was a raving, staunch communist and his father was a cook. And Sr LVS Mani knew he would never belong to this place he called home. So he did his best, worked very hard to achieve his goals, which he did. 

He graduated with an honours degree and went on to become a Professor of Mathematics at the reputed ____ college. It was then that he married Srimathi. Kanakavalli, his divine counterpart who was the epitome of Grace, Compassion, Strength and Goodwill. While he dedicated all of his time looking for the perfect formulae and calculations, she ran the family singlehandedly, while also making sure even members of the extended family were taken care of. It was with her silent but unwavering support that Sri LVS Mani was able to create what now spans 7 decades — Bharat Ganita Panchang. 

Right from a young age, Sri LVS Mani was a staunch Nationalist. He was a true Karmayogi in that he did his best and surrendered to God. He was not outwardly religious but the people around him knew, respected and were stunned by the fact that his work was his religion. Until his deathbed, he would dedicate his time to calculations and making sure the Panchang was perfect and precise. He never settled. He never took his precision for granted. He competed only with himself. Not others. He lived a life not many would dare to live. It’s a life laden with sacrifices, definitely not meant for the weak-hearted. 

A very interesting aspect of Sri LVS Mani’s personality was, he was never averse to technology. He was extremely open minded and used computer-based  calculations in the early 90s. He was open to knowledge. He experimented with modern technology. He wanted the best. There was no room for closedmindedness in his pursuit of excellence.